I think I'm very brave.
I have no fear of what usually scares people normal.
I take well to any kind of reptile, wild animal, insect, monster ...
not fear the dark even in unknown places, cemeteries, corpses, blood ...
are always fond of horror, splatter, psycho thrillers, monsters,
necro-anatomy and all the psycho-perverisoni that the human mind has produced in
centuries. I do not fear death because the prevailing intellectual curiosity, the way I incuriosicono
and the level at which a creative person tends to disturb the aim.
I do not scare the bad guys even if they are loooong ugly ...
I will not panic in situations claustrophobic, agoraphobic, ereutofobiche
or chaos ... extreme altitudes, depths ...
Well, I am brave at the edge of unconsciousness.
But an enormous Achilles heel I have it too.
I have a phobia of anthropomorphic reproductions.
Trivially, we can say that I produce an awful lot of adrenaline that exceeds the level at which this substance stimulates a sudden reaction and effective and leads to paralysis rather subject myself to the fainting tendency not to bore with consenguente increase in body temperature and very acute sense of vertigo.
In three words: me cago me!
I did a little 'self-analysis:
Every time I see up close or far away a doll or a dummy just a po'realistici something clicked in my brain. The subject can not be any reproduction of the human skull (the rest of the body is indifferent to me) must have one or more features in paticolare. For example, should have the skin. A skull without skin does not make me 'no effect. Then there
are some features that accentuate my phobia ... The eyes and the expression of vision and eventual degeneration of one or more parts of the face and skull, especially the presence of cracks and 'holes' in the dark structure of the skull or face.
For years and even now I find it hard to go into stores where there are dummies and I could never hold a 'Cicciobello' or worse, 'BabyMia'. The movement of the mouth or anywhere else, is another powerful intensifier of the effect on my psyche.
autoanalyzer I traced back to a category 'root' cause of my fears: the Cyborg.
My biggest contradiction is the contrast between my love for the progress and this phobia.
With a great mental effort, I recovered a memory of my childhood (I have three years) and I recalled the image that has so deeply corrupted my psyche, undermining stability.
These are some of the leading antagonists of the series 'The Bionic Woman' (do you remember?) In one of the episodes.
On that occasion a number of events have influenced heavily on my subconscious.
Thanks to a long web search, I found the image in three years I was shocked.
I show and I authorize you to laugh ... Know I do a lot 'of trouble to look at it now. What can I say, because the production?

If you look carefully you'll find all the characteristics of I was talking about:
- Skin
- Eyes
- Expression (is stunned, her friend Katy ...)
- A 'black hole' instead of the mouth (it is a speaker at the first observation but escapes ... )
- The missing face at all (in the episode was usually covered with a mask of synthetic leather ....
Working on this phobia has given me the opportunity to reflect on what triggers the selective neoluddismo (see Wikipedia) even in its most violent and sharing ends and means.
I'm still working on ... one day be able to embrace a mannequin with broken skull!
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