... ... there is always a tax strike first time to take up their guns ... thank goodness that the referendum against hunting have failed, so the Po valley (editor's note the lower case is a must) has prepared two million guns strike ... gaming and lotteries, etc. ...
are all statements of the idiot dressed as Irish St. Patrick's spit in the last 7 days.
I feel ashamed.
I am ashamed to live in a country where no one stops a potential violent and ignorant peasant insurgency affecting my rights as a human being and brings in the Parliament inane reasons.
No to Padania. Exists only in his head sick
No to the Northern League. And 'the consideration of other neo-Nazi and xenophobic reality abroad
No to racism. Dislikes who was not born in northern Italy
hypocritical. E'sposato with a Sicilian
Boycott the Northern League proclaiming the essence of shame.
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