:-) How many times?
How many times Further, a country known as 'civil', 'developed', 'modern' ...
... ahh ... the Devil! I wanted to start this post (little) with a nice rhetorical effect frasona super safe ... but I can not. Not this time. You do not need.
The media used to the worst. Rwandan massacres, beatings South Africans, Tibetans lynchings, bombings, shootings, stabbings, massacres several ... we know everything or very dead on prisons for political dissidents or terrorists, live on Argentine flying from aircraft or fired from the windows of the courts, unrepentant anarchists and so on ... about all sorts of horror perpetrated in places more or less close to us in ways we culturally belong or of which we had no perception, idea, until such time as we read in a newspaper or seen on TV ... now ... it happened again.
Boy was beaten up.
arrested for possession of marijuana.
20 grams.
retail value of less than two hundred euro.
massacred two hundred euro.
Or why has responded poorly to the Forces of Order (?), Or because ... god, my, if it were a lunatic, a violent ... much more than a thug or province what was probably a small pusher ... maybe a real Boss ... 20 grams of grass ... have published the post-autopsy photos.
I chose not to publish them in my post. You do not need. The looting is the prerogative of the media information and my blog is not vuol'esserlo, it has neither the capacity nor the ambition.
Ask yourself how much it costs for a father to say "Yes, those photos published.
do not have to be a doctor to understand that there is reduced so "falling" from a ladder. Perhaps falling from the same scale ... twenty times in a row and in different ways and different places ... but neither. The
beat. They massacred until the last spark of life.
carried an article of them:
Stefano Cucchi was arrested on the night between 15 and 16 October. It 'died a week later. What happened in this time, nobody knows. The family released pictures taken after the autopsy. There are signs on the body blows and beatings, the arches Tops are livid, distorted, violet.
Stefano who dies without a reason
Stefano dies. As Federico Aldrovandi, as Aldo Bianzino. He dies a natural death, but a violent death.
Stefano Cucchi. The photos were taken in preparation for "The Fact", after the press conference of the family, Catherine D'Onghia Pernicone and Silvia, who rebuilt a great little horror story, that of a boy who died after a crash because he was with if 20 grams of marijuana.
Stephen was beaten. Stephen has been left without care. Stefano was left alone. Did not allow him to see his parents, his sister, not even a minute. It's been days and days and he dies completely disfigured, lost weight from 43 to 37 pounds. He was 31 years old, his father worked as a surveyor in the study of the family. On the evening of October 16 last encounters in which police arrested him because he has 20 grams of marijuana in his pocket.
They take him to his house for a search: is still doing well. He greets his father at the hearing for summary of the day here and already beginning to see the marks on his face. His face was so swollen that is visited by the presidium of the court physician. Then he goes around the Fatebenefratelli found for x-rays where the fractured vertebrae.
But then it all becomes even more nebulous, subtle and last image of Stephen is spread by the newspapers today: a face beyond recognition, a body where the violence is clearly someone has acted to make it lifeless.
And once again touches to write stories of brutality, beatings and who knows what else is not caused by fights between rival gangs like the "Gangs of New York", but occurred while the youth arrested is in fact in state power in his hands in his - so it should be - "custody".
is an inmate, by right, is sacred and inviolable, starting with the stage of interrogation: the Constitution, that wonderful paper that becomes more and more "waste" because of the political right and the flashback of so much conservative and xenophobic the people Italian, not only does not permit acts of violence, but even morally offensive acts, or insults which offend the dignity and ridiculed the alleged offender.
We know that this part of the Constitution is in the records of daily violations. And we know that is sad in the DNA of the thriller camaraderie in that mocking definition of "law enforcement", a constant willingness to use words that are violent means and who are intimidated, who are anything but the words of provided a guarantee to stop.
Stefano dies, then. And that's a fact. And die without a reason, because it is not permissible end up in a coffin for the possession of 20 grams of "Maria" and that not even the worst of prohibitionist laws would have the death penalty for such a thing. Yet
Stefano dies. As Federico Aldrovandi, as Aldo Bianzino. He dies a natural death, but a violent death. So, the question of the parents and his sister is a finger pointing before the eyes of state: "Who has cut so our Stefano?".
Somebody, please, please reply. Just do you, Mr. President, because we, as you see, we write articles like inscriptions on the graves of young children who can not be killed by the Republic, its institutions, its Entities should instead take care of all citizens, towns all. Where does the violence
killing Stephen, who killed Fred and who put out the life of Aldo, and many, many years ago, even that of Franco Serantini of Georgiana
Masi ... Of course, those were difficult times, the 70s "born by noise, "those where the political battle was on. Was not and never should have been an excuse for beating to death Frank and let him die in a coma in a solitary cell that
May 7, 1972 ... Now we are talking about a guy arrested because the police found on him a little 'grass' . It 'possible that an arrest will result in death? E 'unacceptable, impossible to conceive, and this moves the blood boil and outrage of every pore of our skin that Stephen is no longer there.
What kind of public order management has been formed in recent years in Italy? What line was crossed? Certainly a legal line if you look at the Constitution, not if you put the eye to repression on soft drugs equivalent to those heavy, and if it is a dangerous drug dealer as a young man of 31 years who returned home in the morning and 1 .30 that visibly is not doing anything against people or property.
And, anyway, after stopping, the power is still not happy and rages at him, makes him a monster or something like that. Perhaps they see it as his tormentors. Maybe so would see many ignorant and bigoted supporters of order, security and discipline.
good order, good security, good discipline! Killing a boy, who deny a young life, that violate the law (with the "L" capitalized!) That both enhance as an absolute principle of justice. And instead
Law and Justice are often separate company, which is chained together by the will of a code, but not the truth.
parents and sister of Stephen, but also all of us, we need to know, to know who killed him, how this happened and what has moved to the brutal violence that made a sad smile of a thirty-one, sad opening of lips that seem to ask one last desperate attempt to help.
Marco Savona, 30 October 2009
... now what happens? Nothing. Obvious. Identify the participants in the massacre (as I write is published the first reports of alleged wiretaps among policemen of the prison), they will punish them with some kind of 'fine', 'suspension', 'block of his career' ... Perhaps a few days in jail ... end. Nothing can change that in any way even just a little 'this vile culture. Nothing that would give even a remote hope that things will change.
Cedo the lure of the law "of retaliation." Take the police and crush them up to the brink of death. Then curating in public. Forced their colleagues to feel the terror brought by the physical pain and isolation.
will bet that if you do something?
whole world over ... these things only happen to us ... true.
But it is also true that we are among the warmest supporters of the campaigns against the death penalty ... who are pointing to countries / Executioner like murderers ... who boast a heritage of only our arrogance.
... we do not apply the death penalty. Directly kill the cell or in the basement of our prisons or in the spaces defined by their own minds, our "criminals" ... the sixty years in prison suicides compared with 2200 totals in our country), 2 / 3 of prisoners are in jail awaiting trial, therefore I am "still" innocent ... but no matter. Not in a country where the Premier says, "I do not resign even if I am found guilty ... the Alfano Bill? What was the use already? ... :-), Not in a country where Parliament is suspected or already convicted in its entirety, and where almost 55% of MPs cocaine pulls like a vacuum cleaner ... But they did not arrest them and certainly do not beat them ...
not as long as we love Big Brother to Report ... etc. ... etc. ... etc. ...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wm. Rogers And Son Flatware
From the whole global network raises a round of applause.
Finland has decided that the internet is a right for all citizens. Which, lucky in the Nordic countries, is to say that is a right for the 4% that still is not connected.
But the government added that citizens have the right to broadband: 100 megabit per second by 2015 but already a giant by July 2010.
The principle, in some way, was mentioned also in France, Estonia and Greece.
But only in Finland was supported by a strong political and practical.
If the phone companies were thought to be able to sit and wait to be more close to the 2015 to bring broadband to all as was expected until recently, now may no longer be hidden: the Finnish government has decided that broadband is a right and therefore must be everywhere at once for all. Because, says the Finnish government, "today you can not live without the internet: it is like water, electricity and banking services."
Even under this policy, Finland is taking a leadership position in Europe in the policies for infrastructure enablers of innovation, with simple rules and clear incentives.
We hope these pearls of wisdom can also contaminate our government.

From the whole global network raises a round of applause.
Finland has decided that the internet is a right for all citizens. Which, lucky in the Nordic countries, is to say that is a right for the 4% that still is not connected.
But the government added that citizens have the right to broadband: 100 megabit per second by 2015 but already a giant by July 2010.
The principle, in some way, was mentioned also in France, Estonia and Greece.
But only in Finland was supported by a strong political and practical.
If the phone companies were thought to be able to sit and wait to be more close to the 2015 to bring broadband to all as was expected until recently, now may no longer be hidden: the Finnish government has decided that broadband is a right and therefore must be everywhere at once for all. Because, says the Finnish government, "today you can not live without the internet: it is like water, electricity and banking services."
Even under this policy, Finland is taking a leadership position in Europe in the policies for infrastructure enablers of innovation, with simple rules and clear incentives.
We hope these pearls of wisdom can also contaminate our government.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Replacement Radio Telescope Antenna Boombox
a month I've been using Windows 7 (Ultimate RTM x86 7600 - eng) ... well ... what about ... I always hated
operating systems MS ... for a billion good reasons two billion items of subjective good reasons ... Then I met Windows 7. Is exciting for me now ... I hope that this 'feeling' technique could enjoy a long life ... We'll see!
a month I've been using Windows 7 (Ultimate RTM x86 7600 - eng) ... well ... what about ... I always hated
operating systems MS ... for a billion good reasons two billion items of subjective good reasons ... Then I met Windows 7. Is exciting for me now ... I hope that this 'feeling' technique could enjoy a long life ... We'll see!
Games To Play At Toy Parties
anti homophobic ...
not passed ... yet the "trivial reasons" are aggravated in the case of a criminal trial ... and yet ... because you kill a fag or a lesbian ... is a futile plea ... perhaps some not at all.
"He only lasted one day before the House the bill homophobia, then stopped on his way. For the UDC is a text unconstitutional and the assembly of Deputies approved with the votes of the PDL and the League, the question put forward by Casini's party: 285 votes in favor, 222 against and 13 abstentions. IDV and Democrats voted against it. "(La Stampa)
not passed ... yet the "trivial reasons" are aggravated in the case of a criminal trial ... and yet ... because you kill a fag or a lesbian ... is a futile plea ... perhaps some not at all.
"He only lasted one day before the House the bill homophobia, then stopped on his way. For the UDC is a text unconstitutional and the assembly of Deputies approved with the votes of the PDL and the League, the question put forward by Casini's party: 285 votes in favor, 222 against and 13 abstentions. IDV and Democrats voted against it. "(La Stampa)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Saprano From Bunny Ranch
TFR vs. Pension Funds - Beppe Scienza
Interview with Beppe Scienza pension funds and severance pay:
TFR vs. Pension Funds
Interview with Beppe Scienza pension funds and severance pay:
TFR vs. Pension Funds
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Marlin Model 80 High Capacity Clips
Photoshop contest ... celebrity robots ...
... I will be biased ... but none of these images is free from a minimum of taste splatter / cyberhorror ... is the human mind tends to badly corrupted by the society we live or is it just me with my usual paranoia immoitivate?! ... if it's good ... maybe the first would be the case whether or not to continue with research in the field of robotics ... and if you decide to choose a positive way ... maybe it would be appropriate to redefine the ethics and 'forged in iron with fire "... :-)
... But no, come on, that's just me I'm paranoid! :-)
... I will be biased ... but none of these images is free from a minimum of taste splatter / cyberhorror ... is the human mind tends to badly corrupted by the society we live or is it just me with my usual paranoia immoitivate?! ... if it's good ... maybe the first would be the case whether or not to continue with research in the field of robotics ... and if you decide to choose a positive way ... maybe it would be appropriate to redefine the ethics and 'forged in iron with fire "... :-)
... But no, come on, that's just me I'm paranoid! :-)

How Much Do Vets Charge To Remove A Cyst On A Dog
Stop! Before it is too late!
Sale in chair Saya: the alternate robot
From: Tiscali Web
will be able to maintain balance and discipline in the classroom? Or after a few minutes will a steaming pile of circuits and exhausted? You just have to test it on a collision test! It's called Saya, and is the result of the work team of the Tokyo University of Science, coordinated by Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi: This fembot can speak and interface with students.
Thanks to a special system of artificial muscles know how to move the various parts of the face to express emotions such as enthusiasm or disapproval and if any student is a stranger you pass easily from one language to another. You know what I say? In Japan it can work there because the robots are part of society and school there is discipline and order, but here in Italy ... even talk about it!
I bet you are reading about Saya came to mind the films of Lino Banfi & Co. with the sexy alternates. Well, there is already a Robotti lover and a recent study showed that the robots can fall in love, nothing is impossible for the Japanese!
robot-love: programmed to love (too)
When did you say that you truly love a robot? Perhaps when it is rejected, and suffers the pains dell'Innamorata unpaid! And 'what happened to poor Kenji, robottoni over a hundred pounds that he lost his head for a research project in which he took part ...
too easy to program a robot that hugs, kisses and say send sugary phrases: the real Love is above all what is irrational and emotional gestures. And Kenji has behaved like a true human being! But first things first: Toshiba has funded studies on third-generation robots with the Institute of Robotics Research Akimu to simulate human emotions. Kenji was a member of the group, but the unthinkable has happened.
A researcher would spend much time with Kenji daily maintenance and checks as in a true love story of the poor robot has literally lost his head for her. The situation has become a tragicomic one evening when she wanted to go home. Do you think that Kenji has given up all control and began to embrace her preventing her from leaving. The poor have so-called security with a loud voice and Kenji has been disabled.
And now? One of the leaders, Dr. Takahasi said that in a few years "we will be loved and we love robots." Vaglielo to say to the poor devil of Kenji, he has a broken heart now! Better to keep it "asleep" for a while ', but if so the human being with feelings for him real love is forever ... but never paid.
hope that Kenji does not become a killer robot in despair. It 's definitely a lot less complex Robotti Aiko lover who gives himself to the owners without feelings!

Sale in chair Saya: the alternate robot
From: Tiscali Web
will be able to maintain balance and discipline in the classroom? Or after a few minutes will a steaming pile of circuits and exhausted? You just have to test it on a collision test! It's called Saya, and is the result of the work team of the Tokyo University of Science, coordinated by Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi: This fembot can speak and interface with students.
Thanks to a special system of artificial muscles know how to move the various parts of the face to express emotions such as enthusiasm or disapproval and if any student is a stranger you pass easily from one language to another. You know what I say? In Japan it can work there because the robots are part of society and school there is discipline and order, but here in Italy ... even talk about it!
I bet you are reading about Saya came to mind the films of Lino Banfi & Co. with the sexy alternates. Well, there is already a Robotti lover and a recent study showed that the robots can fall in love, nothing is impossible for the Japanese!

robot-love: programmed to love (too)
When did you say that you truly love a robot? Perhaps when it is rejected, and suffers the pains dell'Innamorata unpaid! And 'what happened to poor Kenji, robottoni over a hundred pounds that he lost his head for a research project in which he took part ...
too easy to program a robot that hugs, kisses and say send sugary phrases: the real Love is above all what is irrational and emotional gestures. And Kenji has behaved like a true human being! But first things first: Toshiba has funded studies on third-generation robots with the Institute of Robotics Research Akimu to simulate human emotions. Kenji was a member of the group, but the unthinkable has happened.
A researcher would spend much time with Kenji daily maintenance and checks as in a true love story of the poor robot has literally lost his head for her. The situation has become a tragicomic one evening when she wanted to go home. Do you think that Kenji has given up all control and began to embrace her preventing her from leaving. The poor have so-called security with a loud voice and Kenji has been disabled.
And now? One of the leaders, Dr. Takahasi said that in a few years "we will be loved and we love robots." Vaglielo to say to the poor devil of Kenji, he has a broken heart now! Better to keep it "asleep" for a while ', but if so the human being with feelings for him real love is forever ... but never paid.
hope that Kenji does not become a killer robot in despair. It 's definitely a lot less complex Robotti Aiko lover who gives himself to the owners without feelings!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What Does Brown Violet Hair Look Like
On the Expression of Piazza Farnese for Justice
As for the demonstrations Farnese for Justice
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Pilladas Torbe Online Gratis
... recently ...
Hello everyone ... recently I have not had time to write anything ... then do a riassuntino without comments of the last things I did ...: 1
I bought a Canon EOS 400D and a Sigma APO 70-300mm with which I will put all future photos on Flickr.
2 I bought a black 2002 Hornet 919. 3
I opened a club with some friends ... for info: www.circoloasylum.it
4 I received my certification on Citrix XenApp 4.5
5 I did the baths and massages in Abano Terme
... the rest is history ... Meanwhile in Palestine are still killing and since I posted the last time nothing has changed ...
There are a million petitions around the world and nobody can do anything concrete to stop one of the worst massacres in human history.
Hello everyone ... recently I have not had time to write anything ... then do a riassuntino without comments of the last things I did ...: 1
I bought a Canon EOS 400D and a Sigma APO 70-300mm with which I will put all future photos on Flickr.
2 I bought a black 2002 Hornet 919. 3
I opened a club with some friends ... for info: www.circoloasylum.it
4 I received my certification on Citrix XenApp 4.5
5 I did the baths and massages in Abano Terme
... the rest is history ... Meanwhile in Palestine are still killing and since I posted the last time nothing has changed ...
There are a million petitions around the world and nobody can do anything concrete to stop one of the worst massacres in human history.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Seria Numbers X-blades
The psychodwarf recruit followers for his party
fragment of the movie "noon and a half of Fire" by Mel Brooks, also mentioned by Marco Travaglio in his book "For whom does the banana."
by Merikthemage
Friday, January 2, 2009
Cheat Engine In Chicken Invaders 3
Fantozzi, Toto and Air France
Fantozzi, Toto and Air France
An Italian success: the new way to Alitalia, Fantozzi and also thanks to Toto. The benefits for consumers: MilleMiglia valid points ...... - [Agora Magazine] : "The new company will soon have 'a prestigious foreign partner, Air France, probably.
The European aviation giant and world turned a deaf ear' law, but '. Cai will have' a head Italian, geared to tourism, which will divert patriotic 'ever-increasing flow of tourists to Rome clergy, businessmen to Milan, Florence and Venice lovers.
or steal Paris' hostels to Italian customers. Air France will not be' lady of Italian skies.
Never. "
Fantozzi, Toto and Air France
An Italian success: the new way to Alitalia, Fantozzi and also thanks to Toto. The benefits for consumers: MilleMiglia valid points ...... - [Agora Magazine] : "The new company will soon have 'a prestigious foreign partner, Air France, probably.
The European aviation giant and world turned a deaf ear' law, but '. Cai will have' a head Italian, geared to tourism, which will divert patriotic 'ever-increasing flow of tourists to Rome clergy, businessmen to Milan, Florence and Venice lovers.
or steal Paris' hostels to Italian customers. Air France will not be' lady of Italian skies.
Never. "
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